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mcrepeau's blog

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The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and the Oceans of the Mind: A Book Commentary of Jean-Dominique Bauby’s The Diving Bell and th

Michelle Crepeau

Prof. Grobstein

Biology 202-Neurobiology and Behavior

16, May 2008


The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and the Oceans of the Mind: A Book Commentary of Jean-Dominique Bauby’s The Diving Bell and the Butterfly-A Memoir of Life in Death

mcrepeau's picture

Creatures in the Night and Miracles in Clouds: A Discourse on the Plausibility and Indistinct Nature of Group Hallucinations and

Michelle Crepeau

Prof. Grobstein

Biology 202: Neurobiology and Behavior

16 May, 2008


Creatures in the Night and Miracles in Clouds: A Discourse on the Plausibility and Indistinct Nature of Group Hallucinations and Collective Reality


mcrepeau's picture

Calling Down the Gods and Invoking the Spirit: Entertaining the Possibility of Ritual Possession as Discreet Behavior versus Abj

Michelle Crepeau

Professor Grobstein

Biology 202-Neurobiology and Behavior

8 March, 2008


Calling Down the Gods and Invoking the Spirit: Entertaining the Possibility of Ritual Possession as Discreet Behavior versus Abject Mental Disorder


mcrepeau's picture

With My Heart in My Throat and Other Weird Places "I" Get to: A Discourse on Meditation, O.B.E.s and Other Phenomena

About a year ago, I found myself laid flat on my back on the dusty wooden floors of a Pem East dorm room while by best friend and current roommate quietly directed me to envision a vast lake pooled in the center of my stomach. She asked me to “feel” myself there, to “go” there, to “be” there, there in the center of my stomach staring into my own reflection, originating form there. At this point I remember bursting into hysterical peals of laugher at the tingling, ticklish sensation I got from trying to “be” there in my stomach, an idea which my head just couldn’t seem to wrap itself around. In retrospect, the observation that I just couldn’t get my

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