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Complete Courses

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While other resources like Open.Michigan are also affiliated with universities, Open University and UNU are slightly unique in that they currate their resources to represent courses like a campus-based liberal arts college. These two resources, along with Khan Academy and, are designed to provide structured instructional material which simulates a university as much as possible. While some of their OERs can be repurposed and recycled by other instructors, much of this material is for students who are learning independently. 

Resources covered:
Open University
UN University
Khan Academy

Open University is, unsurprisingly, a university whose goal is to provide quality higher education for free by relying on OERs. Unlike traditional universities, they have almost no entry requirements. Based in the UK, Open University offers around 600 courses with flexible courses of study. OU's Learning Space offers access to the course materials and resources which instructors can adapt for their own classes freely. They have made a particular effort to make their OERs - including interactive activities, games, videos, podcasts, and digitized articles and booklets - available for instructors to repurpose in their own courses.

UN University, on the other hand, is a bit more self-contained. UNU's infrastructure is based out of 13, and works in close collaboration with the United Nations. They offer degree programmes which are primarily at the graduate-level and their courses are primarily problem-oriented. They also offer some non-degree courses on an variety of subjects. UNU does feature their books online, as well as many of the articles used in their courses.

Khan Academy's tagline is "Learn almost anything for free," but it began as and focuses on a site dedicated to math and other STEM fields, although they do offer a few courses in the Humanities. Khan Academy "courses" are structured into units. However, not can students and instructors track through the material in a linear course-based fashion, but also into a "Knowledge Map" of concepts which are currated to provide full, and multi-perspective views of the material.

The goal of is similar to Khan Academy's. While Saylor is currently beta testing five K-12 courses, their focus is on university-level study. They offer 270 university courses (and 14 courses in professional development) in all areas of study, organized into a system similar to university majors. Like the other university-centered sites, their resources are all free, and their main goal is to drive down the cost of education using technology.