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Alison Bechdel joins the conversation

among HSBurke -- “Showing each other our cracks and admitting that we don’t have it all together is, in my opinion, something our group needed. Thank you for your honesty--
Michaela --I'm grateful that… you all don't "have it all together" in the way I feared--that everyone else had some intstruction manual for getting through life that I just never picked up on--
and Sara --I think most students at Bryn Mawr feel that everyone else around them is doing better then them… I realized last semester that everyone else felt exactly as I did- behind… like everyone else was flourishing but them. I began to wonder, in this environment that is supposed to be so empowering, why so many students felt so helpless and inadequate…maybe …we are constantly measuring ourselves up to impossible standards; grades that we have imagined for the people that seem to be flourishing --->
When I stopped into the
When I stopped into the English House office with some McBride frosh so they could get copies of the Bechdel texts for their ESems, Bryn mentioned that you hated the book. I'm working my way through it now and I'm just really not sure how I feel about it. It's not grabbing me like "Fun Home" did.
"Deep Dreaming"
A friend just shared w/ me an AMAZING review of Bechdel's graphic memoir, "Are You My Mother?" --written by Heather Love (an English professor @ Penn), which I want to share w/ you all: I really REALLY did not like the book on my first reading, but this review has gotten me re-thinking/re-feeling my damning critique ...I will now have to go back and re-experience it, for sure...
Love has several insights (and oh! to have such a name!), including a lovely LOVELY final evocation of D. W. Winnicott's question about “where we most of the time are when we are experiencing life.” He thinks we're in a space of “deep dreaming" that is created between individuals, and between individuals and their environment.
What I am wondering is whether we can make (are we making?) our shared classroom time into such a space, dreaming, exploring and working together towards a more equitable world.....