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our choice (revised)

ally's picture

Boyang Su


Professor: Jody Cohen

December 19, 2014

Our Choice

Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Six Extinction seems to be talking about different extinctions without much inner relationship. But in my opinion, the order of the extinction stories unveiled the whole process of how humans sensed their damage to the environment, finally bringing up a question at the end of the book: could human avoid extinction or are we doomed to become extinct? Analyzing the deeper relationship between human and extinction, is the relationship exclusive? Or is it interdependent? I tried to find our choice when faced with the question.


Leigh Alexander's picture

Allie Cavallaro

Revision: Paper #4 à#13

September 25, 2014

Having a Hand in Freakdom

In class a couple weeks ago we talked about the word “freak.”  A few of my classmates presented an etymology on the word, explaining that it came from the Latin phrase lusus naturae which they translated to “freak of nature,” but the thing that one must remember about Latin is that it is hardly ever that simple (“freak”).

Social Media and Social Justice Activism: Opening a space for participation

Hummingbird's picture

Social Media and Social Justice Activism: Opening a space for participation

“[Social media] makes it easier for activists to express themselves, and harder for that expression to have any impact. The instruments of social media are well suited to making the existing social order more efficient. They are not a natural enemy of the status quo.”
– Malcolm Gladwell (2010)