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Web Paper or Special Event

And again There's hope

Hgraves's picture
In my last version of this paper, I talked about how Van Jones was my light at the end of the tunnel after reading Elizabeth Kolbert's The Sixth Extinction; hence the title of my paper, And then there's Hope. But I've decided to go in a different direction where I would focus less on the ghettos and more on Bryn Mawr. As an incoming freshman, I was bombarded with many racial issues on campus and from the looks of some of the people within this school, these hadn't been the first couple of instances. Being that we have been dealing with these issues for many years, I feel like the mentality of Van Jones is one that we need to adopt in order to overcome these reoccurring issues.

Decolonizing Our Bodies

The Unknown's picture

“We our working to decolonize our bodies,” a young Bolivian womyn proclaimed in Spanish. People were bending, shifting, shaping their bodies in uncomfortable, almost unnatural ways. The womyn continued, “We have been oppressed for centuries and have been forced to work in the mines. Our bodies have been shaped by history. Our bodies have been taught and manipulated to bend to the oppressor. We need to remember the ways we moved before the colonizers came. We have to erase their imprint. We need to listen to our bodies’ natural movements.”

Praxis Final Evaluation's picture

Final Praxis Evaluation


The school that I was placed in is one of a kind. My field site was a high school that first opened its doors this year. The school only consists of first years. And its student population is predominantly Black and Latino/a with a very diverse teaching/administrative staff. Upon my first arrival, I my surroundings made me realized that it was located on the outskirts of Philadelphia, in a dilapidated section of the city. The community surrounding the school seemed in need of renovation, but obviously, did not have the money to do so, rendering it defenseless against gentrification. The neighboring university is currently encroaching the small community.

Changing Our College: Shifting Identities, Altering Environments (Revision)

aquato's picture

A month or so ago, I discussed the topic of the environment of Bryn Mawr’s campus and its relation to its students. I came to the conclusion that the college, while attempting to support the ideas of creativity and individuality, actually hindered this very individuality in trying to upkeep its image as an aristocratic college. Personally, I believe that this solely sophisticated and traditional idea of high society is obsolete. Times have changed, and the student body no longer reflects the original projections of M. Carey Thomas’ idealized college; we are cracking her constricting mold of cisgender, white, upper class women.

Your Money is Foul and So Is Capitalism: Why We Need to be Anticapitalist

Sunshine's picture

Your Money is Foul and So Is Capitalism: Why We Need to be Anticapitalist

“Globalization colonizes women’s as well as men’s lives around the world,


and we need an anti-imperialist, anticapitalist, and contextualized feminist

project to expose and make visible the various, overlapping forms of

sub- jugation of women’s lives.”