Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

site sits by Anne Dalke

From Boredom to Wonderland

Anne Dalke's picture

I returned to my new site today,
but got quickly bored.
The vista that excited me last week
(OUT from under all those branches...)
this week seemed empty.
But being in that space took me back in time...

to May Day, when the Cheshire Cat and Tweedledum were @ my site...

Is Wonderland any use to us here-and-now?


Anne Dalke's picture

Last week, I sounded retreat.
I was SO DONE with my cozy retreat:
Too closed-in, too tight, too neat.
I sought out another seat.

One with a vista.

And movement.

So the pace is slow...


Anne Dalke's picture

when I visited your site on Tuesday morning,

I was surprised to see that it was circled by flags.

This reminded me of an exhibit I saw in Central Park a few years ago, Christo's "The Gates,"

Flowers in the Snow

Anne Dalke's picture

This is so cheesy I can hardly stand it,'s what happened.

Tuesday morning, I'd gotten up early, seen all the snow, and was sure I'd get to spend the day watching it from the sofa. So I was a little grumbly when I learned that I had to hoof it out to Bryn Mawr. Grumblier when the trains from Center City were running, en route, I wrote up my description of my site sit: "The snow around my site was unbroken, and lovely, full of sparkles. I couldn't bear to break it, to deface it with my I decided to respect the space, and skip my visit this week."

Unfortunately, when I got off the train, trudged my way into campus, and to my site,

The Sounds of Silence

Anne Dalke's picture

So--urged on by all your reports of the miserable cold--I took the opportunity of Monday's relative warmth to make my first visit to my site sit (good thing I did, since the Polar Vortex has now arrived!). Anyhow, the first thing I noticed was the discarded paper cup. The second thing I noticed was the noise. Here you go:

The site is really lovely--look @ how it looks! But the noise...dunno if I can stay.
Mark Lord (who is using his sabbatical to, among other things, meditate)
tells me that my task is to rise above this. I'm not sure, ecologically thinking, that it is.
Or that I can....