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What a lovely day!

Sunshine's picture

I loooooooved the Kris Graves exhibit! I went to the opening at five and stayed until they kicked us out because I was having so much fun talking to him, his mom, and the Bryn Mawr staff and students who were there. I also loved his talk. He was so much fun to listen to. I loved hearing about his process and his background. It's amazing how an entire lifetime can be put into a peice of work. I loved seeing his transition from an amature photographer who was playing around with his friends to an artist who is trying to reshape how black people are seen in the world. He reminds me of themanwholovedflowers, which is an instagrammer who has a photo series with a similar concept to Graves'. He uses flowers to challenge the stereotypes of black men. Both of these artists remind me of my brother, who is also an artist. I think there is really something to be said about lifting up the voices and artwork of people of color. What a beautiful way to spend the day.