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Tired Tuesdays

Liv's picture

Tuesdays always suck for me because I have three courses that all leave me feeling drained, be it from the discussion or from a very late time frame. Today was not different from this sad pattern that has become a painful habit for this whole semester. I wanted to write a post unpacking what I felt like during the class and how frustrated I am in continuing a discussion that centers Blackness as the culprit of racism, when it never was/isnt and cant be. I want to write and attach links to things I feel like are interesting, but don't have the energy. Im doing what I can and trying to engage. It is just a lot that I dont have the patience to explore in a classroom context. 


Thats all. My incomplete thoughts on today's merry go round of discussions. Take care of yourselves. Remember to drink lots of water, keep breathing and do what makes you happy.