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When I hear the word "intersectionality" my mind jumps to thinking about activism and identity construction. The intersectinos of my identity are expressions of my intimate self, my personhood that isnt allowed to be expressed to the larger commuities. It never feels like the right time, or one experience negates the other instead of them being a collage of Olivia. Specific experiences are chosen in the time of their convenience to be consumed. The lack of intersectional discourse speaks to our conditined impulses to make the people around us small for X reason. It is abouut coping. Id love for there to be a world where there can be intersections that not only exist, but are accepted, able to be named, and also have a respected difference of perspective. We are not in one monolith even in our mutual contact zones. The process of acknowledging is just as important as the presentation of your internal findings. 


Sorry this is late!