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Identity Matters

Anne Dalke's picture

Coupla things:

* I didn’t get the chance, today, to tell you all about a talk that my daughter-in-law is giving, co-sponsored by SPECTRA and the BMC post-bac program, @ 6 p.m. tomorrow evening (Wed, Nov. 2), in Park 278. Katie Baratz Dalke is intersex (she has Androgyn Insensitivity Syndrome), an ’07 graduate of Haverford (when/where she met my son/her husband), and of Penn Medical School, where she is now an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry (she’s also been on Oprah: ). Tomorrow night she’ll be talking about LGBTQI healthcare and her experience as a provider.  So, if you wanna meet yet another Dalke, and/or learn more about gender variance/and/or intersectionality, and/or health care provision—join me!

Also: I referenced two readings today which have been very helpful to me this semester in taking ownership of my own racial positionality, and understanding better about how it is seen by others:

* Robin DeAngelo’s “White Fragility,” International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 3, 3 (2011): 54-70:

*  George Yancy’s Look, A White! Philosophical Essays on Whiteness (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2012):