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"I got myself"

Liv's picture

This week I wanted to focus on the ways I use the media, which I will use to describe music, television and art, to give myself a break from the conversations we havein class and life. Not to say that the media I surround myself with doesnt work under the themes of race and navigating one's existence, but there is an immersive component to consuming art that doesnt happen in the classroom. In the classroom I can listen to the same conversation around theory, but never get down from the meta discusssion to reflect on the impact it has on our current relationships. The media I surround myself with gives my mind the break it needs to think outside of textbook theory and process in the "real world". There is a lack of sanitization around the way I am expected to react to media that is rejeected in academia. I dont feel comfortable declaring my position on a good amount of theories if I dont have the evidence to substantiate my claim. However, for media I can easily decide what I do and dont like with no real hesitation. Me challenging academia and the proposed theories is a direct threat to all we know to be true in this world set up by white, wealthy men, which is always uncomfortable, but (I can only speak for myself) especially as I figure out the doors to take, hold open, slam shut or politely close. I am justt sick of undervaluing tthe conversation and reactions that come from the media becaause it does not fit in the canon we (in  some ways) force ourselves to be in. 


Sorry for being a bit late to post, I needed to take some extra processing time.