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Half and Half

me.mae.i's picture

Half and Half, Arnold Palmer, Uptown, Iced Tea mixed with Lemonade, or whichever you'd like to refer to it, will always be my go to drink and hands down favorite. I appreciate the perfect blend of the two flavors, and the variety that follows. Sometimes I'll have it served with more of a bitter taste, showing that I'm leaning towards the lemonade side, or rather sweeter favoring the iced tea. There are also so many other flavors that can be added, raspberry and peach are my favorites. Either way, the drink always brings a level of comfort and satisfaction to my taste buds and mood. 

When asked how this drink might relate to how I perceive the world and myself in it, the mixture and fluidity of two the flavors definitely speak to my personality and worldview. I like to see different angles and understand both sides. I do not believe in taking just one answer or one perspective as the absolute truth. Like half and half, you have to blend for the perfect mixture and go in out of both flavors to enjoy the drink as a whole. As a young black woman, who is in academic pursuit, I aim to use my platform to explore humanity as a whole. However, I believe that this exploration consists of an appreciation of different flavors, races, religions, locations, and more. I try to view the world with an intersectional mindset and I think Half and Half is a drink that follows that.