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A Different World... Or Not?

Nyasa Hendrix's picture

The earliest example of blackness that I can recall were watchng re-runs of 90's sitcoms. Shows like, A Different World, Living Single, 227, The Cosby Show ( despite recent issues the show dipcited a lifestyle I wanted to strive for.) These shows were well rounded tackling issues from the normal break-up to date rape and even dyslexia. It seems worlds away thinking about how the depeciation of black lives and black love has changed. I began watching these shows at about 8 or 9, after not being allowed to watch tv or listen to the radio. This along with motown and history books were my introduction race in a secular/popular sense, media. Even now I can recall episodes like the back of hand and the lessons learned remain with me, forever. Especially now more than ever, when all the shows have ended been canclled or the like, I struggle to find my safety in this form of media anymore. 

If we fast forward to now, social media has sky rocketed, where people are constantly liking, sharing or outwardly disliking. It has changed my perception of a lot of things and most of the time when in engaging, I try to make that space as safe for me as possible. What does mean? I follow and interact with people who are on my same wave length, I do that as I mentioned to protect myself. I attempt to create my 'different world' or my 'living single' in my friend groups, but every so often there is a bomb dropped. 

This summer I saw my friend in the headlien of an article gettign arrested, while causually scrolling on facebook. 

First I think, no, this can't be my friend... this was literally hours ago. Then I think of an episode of a different world when Dwayne gets arrested... he's there for hours. I think of all the stories I have read about black bodies were get arrested and never come back...I worry... I panic... I come back to reality, I text my other friends asking for information to make sure my friend is okay. I text them, in a haste hoping the world has move quickly enough for the hours to go by for it to be over. I ask them if they are alright, they tell me they are greatful for what they have. 

Media. Is moving quickly, hours seem like lifetimes if you don't scroll fast enough, television seems outdated, but messages are easily cememted. I think more about the mews and how I've never been able to stand it but I damn sure can't now. I find myself watching a Different World espisodes and the issues they were tacklign then are the very same one I'm takcling now. I think about Amaka's comment about blackness over time.. about a structure that's not ment to fit. I used to get angry when I saw comparison photos of issues in the 60's v. issues now...I still get angry. 

Because its all the same.