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A timeline for the end

abby rose's picture

I have started reading Their Eyes Were Watching God and I think that there will be a lot to explore in this book. I’m only 60 pages in but very excited to keep reading. I would like to read more of what Anne recommended to me to pursue, like Mules and Men, “How It Feels to be a Colored Me,” and “Looking for Zora.” I will read these as well and what I find in these essays and book I hope will guide my journey into Hurston’s novel.

For me, creating a rough timeline will be useful:

12/6 - finish Their Eyes Were Watching God

12/8 - read supplementary readings

by 12/9 - meet with Anne to discuss possible paths for writing

12/12 - turn in final essay


Anne Dalke's picture

...and cheering you on.
and for next week: some questions that might guide the writing?

abby rose's picture

I finished the book, and wow. I was not expecting any of that, much like life works I suppose. Some periods longer and less sure than others, excitement found in the everyday, happiness in simplicity and trusting oneself, tragedy when one least expects it. Such an interesting reading experience and I have no idea yet where I want to go with it. I loved getting to know Janie, Tea Cake, and while I didn't like Joe he would be an interesting character to think more about. I was really moved and unsettled by the hurricane scene, a part of the book that completely shocked me honestly. I truly wasn't expecting such a massive tragedy that touched upon life, death, love, race, home, etc. like it did. Perhaps I will focus on that scene for my paper and talk about its complexity and perhaps symbolism. Right before the hurricane came in the book, I was wondering "why is this called their eyes were watching god"? And two pages later they said it and it was at the arrival of the hurricane. I could also explore the presence of God throughout the book, because spirituality is rarely outwardly mentioned yet is ever present as the title has God in it.

Anne Dalke's picture

I'm very struck, in your report, Abby, by the ecological dimensions of Hurston's novel (thinking that, with all its attention to race, class, and environmentality, I could add it to the reading list for my upcoming course on Ecological Imaginings; it really could be read as a novel about environmental justice). If you're more interested in gender, there is also certainly a narrative here about Janey's maturation, via each of her husbands. And then you mentioned the fact of her telling her own story...and I mentioned that she tells it to her friend. Lessons there about listening, being heard...shades of the listening bowl?!