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onewhowalks's picture

I think a lot about influencers, especially how past selves are separate from and inform a present self. So I've been thinking a lot about what each character is built from; what do they say has built THEM up? Billy and her 'favoring' Willa Mae//refuting this but still hearing her advice. Teddy holds on so tight to his church and his past role as a pastor, but keeps secret (his shame in) losing God's word in his ear. In others' eyes, Teddy holds the role of pastor more than he does to himself. I guess also it's about outward and inward selves, which calls back to our conversation in class today. What does each character see of themself, what do they want others to see/what do they present, what do others see in them? What do they see of their selves now in comparison to earlier in their lives? Similar breakdowns can be applied to Dill, too. This all makes me think of a statement Qui Dorian made a couple years ago. He was talking about each person having 2 heads, one being how they see themself and the other being how others see them, and that both influence the way they live and work in the world.