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What is a curator

Liv's picture

I have heard a few people refernece the job as a curator thoughout class and I wanted to post a BMC specific job description to the position. As the art history team mentioned in class, we are creating a visual story. The supplied link mentions a few responsibilities that reinforce the purpose of a gallery space thats is physically in proximity to an academic building or built within it.

I would urge us all the think about our audience in direct relation to the BMC community. We can not separate ourselves from the elitist, inaccessible positions we occupy in academia. A lot of the education we are think of implementing also needs to occur witin our own community to increase social competency. The act of looking (making a note to recognize visual impairments complicate this statement) is what we have been alluding to but, has not been able to be done. Lets revisit our soundcloud meditation and breathe. Looking at the art and recognizing the craft, love, and story that lies within is part of the repatriations we have been discussing. 


PS: Im all for the syllabus in our catalog @ Abby