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Race In Everyday Experience

Sunshine's picture

I feel like I am "raced" more by black people more than anyone else. Unless I am having a conversation about race, of course, I feel most hyperaware of my race when I am around other black people. I don't know if that hyperawareness comes more from insecurity or judgement or coincidence. But that is what I've experienced. That hyperawareness doesn't feel good. It doesn't always feel bad, but it's uncomfortable in a way that's hard to decide. Like I'm constantly trying to prove with every word (even though I don't know a lot of slang), every cultural reference (most of which I don't understand, to be honest), and every thing else that goes through my mind (which is a lot). It's weird being raced (probably) as black without feeling like I can relate to a lot of black students and the "black" experience. I suppose that's why intersection is so important to me. Because I'm sure people look at me and just see that I'm black, but that does not align with how I feel.