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What I learned

Lavender_Gooms's picture

 After completing my six week project, I feel that there is still much that could be done to improve the queer community on campus. I would like to share our findings with some of the clubs we talked to, and see where they can make these issues better. For example, alerting them of the lack of queer people of color representation could perhaps spawn a relationship between Rainbow Alliance and Zami, with perhaps a joint meeting of the clubs to teach the other of the issues their club focuses on. It would also be interesting to share our findings with the newspaper, to try to reach more people on campus and educate them on the different issues the queer community has grappled with.

I myself have learned a lot over the course of this project. The project has shown me to think critically of the people that are hosting events and think about who is being excluded. Moving forward I know now to make sure I take into consideration different people's viewpoints and to listen to their complaints, as I might be able to change the way others think.