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Future of the project and reflecting on others.

awkwardturtle's picture

Many of my interviewees said that both the free boxes and the "For Sale or Free!" facebook page were new forms of exchange that they did not use before college. I think my project would be helpful if shared with new students to Bryn Mawr, to let them know how these exchange platforms are used, and their impacts on the Bryn Mawr population. Combining my research with that of Beatrice's, I think the project opens the door to making both the facebook page and the free boxes more accessible to those who are more economically disadvantaged and could really benefit from these local exchanges. Many people mentioned liking the both platforms for the reallocation of resources and recycling of items; however, at the same time, a lot of people said that they felt awkward being "caught" freeboxing or were nervous about other people seeing them in their clothes. Making these platforms more accessible could potentially help those who are in need of resources but are too afraid of being "caught" or feeling guilty about posting their needs on the page (although I have seen a few people posting things they need already). However, some people might not feel comfortable showing their social class to the rest of Bryn Mawr.

I really enjoyed everyone's projects, especially the diversity of topics that were presented. When deciding on a project topic, I didn't really think much outside of Bryn Mawr, although I did think of exchanges in and out of Bryn Mawr, as stuff moves in and out of campus. What I learned the most from my peers was how all of these topics related to concepts we have learned in class, such as contact zones, ecological intelligence, slippage, etc, as well as how closely our projects related to each other's. I think we definitely improved from our attempts to teach Kolbert's Sixth Extinction to the class and came up with simple and short but effective teaching strategies that engaged the class. I learned from these presentations that teaching the class doesn't require an elaborate method, and simple strategies such as the white piece of paper from Creighton and Madi's presentation, Yuri and Abby's signs,the game by Hannah and Grace, and the numerous baarometers were effective enough to engage the class much more than just lecturing in front of everyone.