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Reflects to the presentation

ZhaoyrCecilia's picture

After the presentation, my partners and I all think that we can continue our concerns in gender and sexuality in Bryn Mawr. First, Elena sent some e-mails to the heads of the rainbow alliance to ask questions, but there were few people replied. Thus, we really want to suggest them to pay attention to their email make sure they can help solving the problems that people meet. Second, we decide to continually care about the gender and sexuality issues in different races clubs and try to think out some solutions for the problems that people who are not white meet in their own culture.

After watching classmates presentation, I really appreciate the amazing projects done by them. The presentations contain a lot of fields such as bi-co, museum, zoo, honor code, gender and organic food. They are issues that happen both in Bryn Mawr community and the whole social community and they make us think of contact zone and slippage--those concepts about identity and environment that we've talked about during this semester.  I really enjoy the topics that we've been talked about, and they all encouraged me to think more about how to CHANGE OUR STORIES.