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Reflection of TimeBanking Project

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Reflection of TimeBanking Project

For my 6-week project, “Intellectual and Social Growth: A Look at the Bryn Mawr Honor Code”, my partner and I researched two separate topics, both relating to the Bryn Mawr Honor Code. I conducted research about TimeBanks. After interviewing Jessica Hollinger Vinson and finding out why a TimeBank failed in the past at Bryn Mawr and interviewing Edgar Cahn and finding out about another way to look at TimeBanking that may work at Bryn Mawr I have started to think a lot about what starting and running a TimeBank at Bryn Mawr. I have realized that if I connect social justice work with TimeBanking, a TimeBank may just succeed at Bryn Mawr. So in the future I hope to continue researching, planning, and working on this and hopefully set up and run a TimeBank at Bryn Mawr.

            This project has also made me realize a few things about myself outside of college. After interviewing Edgar Cahn I became re-enthused by TimeBanks. I realized that something I may want to do with my life is TimeBank Architecture. Basically design and building architectural pieces (houses, community center, etc.) that are ‘paid’ for with TimeDollars.

            I may share this project with the head of the Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice Department as well as Social Justice organizations on campus. I think it would be very interesting to get their input and possible support for a TimeBank.

            The range of presentations made me start to think about the world that I live in and the various contact zones I experience. Some of the projects touched on things I hadn’t thought of before and have made me really think about my place on Bryn Mawr campus.