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Muslims at Bryn Mawr Presentation

ai97's picture

I decided to explore Muslims at Bryn Mawr for my final project, inspired by "Black at Bryn Mawr." “Muslims at Bryn Mawr” would work to build institutional memory of the College's engagement with religion and religious discrimination, enabling future students to hold both themselves and the College community to higher standards of awareness and accountability both inside and outside the classroom dynamics. I tried to explore the experiences of Muslim students at the College from the past and present. To gain a historical perspective, I visited Bryn Mawr College Special Collections to delve into any archival records relating to Muslims. I also conducted in-person and online interviews with current Muslim students to learn about their experiences as Muslims on campus. My project is still in a preliminary stage of ever becoming as thorough as "Black at Bryn Mawr," but it's a start and I'm eager to share what I've learned.

I have attached an excerpt from a Bi-Co News article written in September 2001, following the 9/11 attacks. It might be interesting to read about how Muslim students reacted to the tragedies of 2001 in the Bi-Co.
