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ESem final project schedule

jccohen's picture

Schedule for final projects in ESem, Dec. 8 & 10:

Tues., Dec. 8: 11:25-12:45 (Taylor F)
Caitlin and Alison:  Bryn Mawr and Haverford

Isabell and Jackie:  The shocking “tails” of captive animals

Creighton and Maryam:  The message of a museum’s continuing to silence stories (of violence in the colonial past)

[10 minutes discussion]

Paola and Leticia:  Latinx break the mold @ BMC

Angela and Beatrice:  Where did you get that?  Clothing sources and style at BMC

Sasha and Meghan:  Haff love, Haff life, Haff pay

[10 minutes discussion]

Ayesha:  Muslims at Bryn Mawr

Thurs., Dec. 10: 11:25-12:05 (Taylor G)

Amy and Hannah Chin:  Classes + contact + Bryn Mawr, oh my! (contact zones and classes)

Hannah Symonds and Grace:  Intellectual and social growth: A look at the Bryn Mawr Honor Code

Madi and Khadijah:  Free market and textbook exchange on the Bryn Mawr campus

[10 minutes discussion]

12:10: split into sections for appreciations and regrets
(what are you grateful for--individually and/or the group?
also a space for expressing regrets, individually and group-wide)
toss the yarn to call on the next person

12:30: college course evaluations

Thurs., Dec. 10: 7 pm (English House, Lecture Hall)
Yuri and Abby:  Organic food at Bryn Mawr

Elena, Cecilia and Aayzah:  Queer at Bryn Mawr, really a rainbow? (dynamics of gender and sexuality at Bryn Mawr College)

Akane and Amaka:  Bryn Mawr’s binary: Perspectives on gender at a women’s institution