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Thoughts about Steps to the Recovery of Ecological Intelligence

Alison's picture

In The Importance of The Act of Reading, Paulo suggests the students need the teachers’ help to enter the world of words, but they should use their own creativities to learn language and read the language. I always have the question about how can teachers teach students without bias from themselves, and we have a limited time to talk about it in last class. The ideas in the Steps to the Recovery of Ecological Intelligence give me some hints to think about it. Although teachers might bring some of their ideas in teaching, but if they encourage the students to look at the history of the words and understand them with the ecological intelligence, the bias or prejudices from the teachers can be eliminated to some extent. In addition, the ideas that words are not autonomous entities and not a simple tool to communicate interest me a lot. I also want to discuss some of the “autonomous” people and the “autonomous” participants that constitute our life.