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From Frank's perspective

aayzahmirza's picture

This is my take on how Frank from All Over Creation would respond to Van Jone's call. 

Van Jones is the kind of peroson that I have always aspired to be. From a very young age, I have been involved in envrionmental activism and have led a very peripatetic life. Because of that, I also had to put baby daughter up for adoption. Ever since the death of my wife, I have been further propelled to fight for the planet and preserve the natural environment that she had so adored. Van Jones is not only similar in the sense that he shared these beliefs but also because he was not afraid to put them in action and "was always ready to start a protest" when it came to such matters. Moreover, I share his idea of taking away power from big corporationsa and giving more of it to individuals. Van Jones then becomes a symbol of success for environmental activism, in that he started with protests and projects like "Stop the Superjail" and ended up actually making the government move and materialize his idea.