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Dear Mr. Van Jones

Tralfamadorian's picture

Dear Mr. Van Jones,

My name is Geek. First of all, I would like to thank you for your work in Environment activism. I've been following your work for some time and truly admire what you're doing. I have recently read your interview with Elizabeth Kolbert, "Greening the Ghetto," and found it to be innovatively brilliant. I have worked with an activist group for many years, you may have heard of us: The Seeds of Resistance. The Seeds and I work together on building awareness of Environmental issues mostly we focus on the hazardous effects of genetically modified foods. Our tactics are more radical stuff than you focus on, but cool none the least. Honestly, I love your idea for supplying people with jobs that improve the environment is rad. The Seeds of Resistance are a relatively large group from all over the country who focus on these issues, and honestly I am getting pretty old and am unable to do as much for the group now a days, these kids have such new and amazing ideas. This is the reason I am reaching out to you, I am hoping you could share your ideas on how you plan to fix this wage gap that is so adamant in the US. I was also hoping you could share ways for me to get involved. 

