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Dear Van Jones...

bothsidesnow's picture

Dear Van Jones, 

The fact that you talked to high school dropouts, to motivate them to join a cause and be productive is really cool. See, I lived with this guy named Nuland and spent a lot of time on my board around town so I wouldn't be around his place until I met the Seeds of Resistance. They, like you, were trying to organize all sorts of people to join their movement against GMOs. My life was better cause I met them and it's really great you're trying to get kids to be really excited about something and get their hands dirty (pun intended). Like what you said about your "Stop the Superjail" compaign, I think I would've ended up in a lot of trouble if I didn't join up with Geek, Y, Lilith, and Charmey. I mean, I did go to jail but it wasn't, like, for months or even a week. I like what you said about not being a "young radical running around with pure motive....I was trying to find some kind of community, or some kind of sense of belonging." I had no one, my mom left me when I was born, and I was lonely. Finding the Seeds of Resistance gave me this weird kind of family, but a family still. I hope your work will help a bunch of kids and even adults like me who start out getting screwed over by the system (in my case, foster care and poverty) but you and the kids who join you can make the system hear you, like we made Cyanaco hear us, in terms of stopping the sales of the NuLifes. 

 Keep doing what you're doing, Van.
