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Hey everyone, this is what I posted everywhere about the Mia Mingus open lunch:

LGBTQIA+ History Month starts tomorrow! We look forward to seeing you at Mia Mingus' keynote tomorrow night!

Hey everyone! There will be an OPEN community lunch with Mia Mingus, a writer, community educator and organizer working for disability justice and transformative justice, on Tuesday 11/3 from 12-1:30pm in the DVR. Stop by for as long as you can and enjoy great conversation with this year's LGBTQIA+ History Month keynote speaker! Meal tickets can be provided for those not on the meal plan.
RSVP Here:

The Keynote Address will be on Monday Nov. 2nd at 7:30 in TGH. Hope to see you all there as well!

It would be great if you guys could RSVP if you're going to be there on Tuesday so we have an idea of who's coming! (Although if you decide to come last minute that's totally fine too!) And definitely please consider coming, especially since we're missing the keynote speech since it's on Monday at 7. 

Read more about Mia on her website: