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Tracking Research Project

The Unknown's picture

I have emailed Kathy Boudin, Abdul, and Noelle Hanrahan. Noelle suggested that I… Every prison has ‘a policy’ that allows folks to go in and record. Set specific time that day and time that they can call you.

I have emailed and called Victoria Law, the creator of Tenacious, a zine filled with articles, essays, poetry and art by formerly and currently incarcerated women across the United States. Their works cover subjects like the health care (or lack of health care) system, being HIV-positive inside prison, trying to get an education while in prison, sexual harassment by prison staff and general prison conditions, and giving up children for adoption. 

I have emailed and called, The Pennsylvania Prison Society about connecting with womyn in prison and becoming an “official visitor”: Official Visitors are advocates for the just and humane treatment of prisoners. Members of the Prison Society, they monitor prison conditions and visit prisoners to assist them with issues ranging from serious medical concerns to re-connecting with family members.

  • I am in the process of completing the applications to be able to work with someone who is incarcerated and become an official visitor at one of the prisons in the city.

You have to set it up so you are super clear that you can absolutely deliver what you say you are going to do.  And not go beyond that.  (for now or for this six months) 

I am able to meet with someone who is incarcerated at least once a week from now until the week of December 7th in-person or I can call that person once a week.


I would suggest that you make part of our academic assignment, putting down on paper and maybe even mapping out what privilege means and what "true" agency means for the voices and stories of those inside. 

  • I want to explore my own relationship to my privilege, racism, classicism and the inherent power dynamics and inequality involved in representing different voices in a paper that would be part of the final project.
    • I plan on exploring how other white people have struggled with representation and the different forms of representation they have used when there are obvious power dynamics, but specifically in working with incarcerated people.
      • How do people justify presenting someone else’s work?
      • What responsibilities does the person who circumscribes the project have?
      • How is representation intrinsically a part of silencing?
      • What should be my expectations for the project?
      • Research tips for navigating these situations
      • There is probably a lot of academic research about how to work with "subjects". 

I plan on documenting each of my visits with the person I work with and I hope to explore the complexities of our relationship through writing and reflection. I hope to build on past discussions.

  • The final project will also incorporate Abdul, Kathy, and possibly other previous prisoners’ voices, experiences, stories, and issues related to incarceration.
  • Either I could get permission to record the testimonies of someone incarcerated or/ and I could (ideally) bring in paper and pencil and possibly drawing materials for that person to use as a medium of expressing their struggles, successes, and complex personhood. (I am open to any advice from Sheila).
  • And put them out on the radio, TV, or in print. Academically you could state that your goal is to have these four voices featured on WHYY, an op ed in the Inquirer, and collected for broadcast media and print. 
  • How could I get the voices featured on WHYY? How do I make connections to get the voices in print?- I have emailed my old professor who is a journalist who used to work at The Inquirer for help navigating the bureaucracy of getting work published. I would also appreciate other connections to people or suggestions about how to spread the work of the people I plan to meet.

 Further Questions:

- It is still unclear to me exactly how I will connect with someone who is incarcerated and I do not know for certain when or if any of these non-profit organizations can help me accomplish this goal.