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Connection of People

paddington's picture
  • P 144-145

"He liked the way they gathered in his room, settling around his bed, to listen to him talk about seeds and farming."

"Momoko likes them, too."

"Young people had such clear eyes. It had been long time since anyone had listened to him like that. He tried to remember his yearly speech. Seasonable cultural practices."

Lloyd is a kind of typical old man who judge things and people with conservative perspective as we can see from his way to talk about things and his attitude towards Yumi after she had an affair with Elliot. Hence, as Yumi mentioned, he should have not been nice to those young people in hippie styles. However, as they are interested in farming which is one of the most important identities of him and admire him, he liked them.

  • p 147

" 'I left you because you couldn't tolerate my lifestyle,' she said.

'You left because you couldn't face your mother and me after what you'd done.' "

& p 284

"I was aware that my heart still thumped like a bunny with the pleasure of pleasing Daddy."

Yumi and Lloyd had been in disconnection for a long time because of Yumi's fault in her fourteen. Lloyd had never written any letter back to her. Even after Yumi came back, he almost ignored her for a while. However as they spend time together (though Yumi frequently hanged out) they gradually recognize the feeling that they love each other as a daddy and a daughter. 

  • p 159

" 'Okay, that's enough,' Ocean said, sealing up the small cave of her hands. 'I don't want her to imprint you.'

'Gee, thanks.' It was heartwarming, the confidence my kids had in me.' "

All Yumi' s children have different fathers. The relationship of Yumi and her children seems like friends? rather than mommy and children. From this passage we can see that Yumi wants to confirm to herself that she is their 'mommy'. She wants to make sure of her  mother identity.