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Danger Will Robinson!

Lavender_Gooms's picture

Often when we think of play, light hearted children running around comes to mind. One think we do not usually think of is the danger that children are often in whilst playing. As Isabell.the.polygot mentioned in her last post, she was playing in a dangerous area and became hurt. This unfortunately happens quite frequently and is often a parent's biggest fear. Most children do not think of the danger they are in when they are playing the first time. For example, a child may climb a tree as far as they can go without realizing they could fall and injure themselves. If they do fall, however, they have learned an important lesson, that they should be more careful whilst climbing trees.

Playing is an important part in learning. Many times children and adults learn important skills while playing. Although being aware of danger should not be the key part of a child's playing, it is an essential skill to learn. It can save their lives or at least prevent further injury from happening.