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Is playing good..

Alexandra's picture

In many occasions, play is considered a good thing. It can be influential in different areas of brain growth, and can help not only humans, but a variety of species, develop skill sets they may need throughout their lives. However, I have experienced many instances where play has resulted in a negative outcome. When I was younger, I used to play with my brothers and sisters, however the day might end with one of us leaving the setting in tears. My sister and I were always competitive with each other, and sometimes we would physically fight. My brothers, who still play today, often bicker with each other which results in more tears and more hurt feelings. Even when I was younger I could remember being rude to others and often exclusive. It was play that made us all feel the need to compete with each other and be mean.
Of course, there were days where I would play with others and have a great time. Playing meant I could be imaginative, amusing, and adventurous with others. Perhaps if I could be all those things, maybe I felt that being hurtful was okay too.