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an ice-cream man

paddington's picture

I am working at McDonald as a part time job in my home country. As McDonald is a restaurant, I have encountered plenty of customers. Above all, there was an old man who left a strong impression on me. One day, he came into my counter. It seemed that it was the first time for him to come to McDonald because he was taking quite long time to choose what he wanted to order, so I asked what kind of food he wanted to have. He told me he wanted something cold and yummy, so I suggested him an ice-cream and he accepted it. He was surprised at the reasonable price which was about 80 to 90 cent in US currency and the good taste. I cannot forget his great pleasant smile. After an hour, what was more, he came back and ordered another ice-cream! He said, “It was so yummy. So I want one more.” with a great smile. I was very happy to hear that and see his smile. After then, every week he came to my counter and ordered the ice-cream. He always told me it was yummy and he loved it with a great smile, which always made me happy. Now, I regret that I couldn’t tell him that I'm studying abroad in US. I hope I can see his great smile again when I come back there.