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Writing Conferences with Anne

Anne Dalke's picture

In English House 205


Week A Week B
Tuesdays (Sept. 8 & 22, Oct. 6 & 27,
Nov. 10, Dec. 1)

 Tuesdays (Sept. 15 & 29, Oct. 20,
 Nov. 3 & 17, Dec. 8)
10:00 Khadijah 10:30 Angela
10:30 Maryam                                             

3:45 Amaka
Wednesdays (Sept. 9 & 23, Oct 7 & 28,
Nov. 11, Dec. 2)
Wednesdays (Sept. 16 & 30, Oct 21,
Nov. 4 & 18, Dec. 9)
10:30 Caitlin 10:25 Grace
11:00 Akane 11:00 Abby (Haa)
11:30 Madison 11:30 Beatrice
12:00 Alison (Caiwei)

 12:00 Creighton

 12:30 Aayzah