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Negotiating Global Feminisms

Negotiating Global Feminisms: An AALAC Workshop on
Creating New Academic Collaborations

Bryn Mawr College, May 8 -10, 2015

The goals of our weekend workshop are to refine and deepen our own commitments to global feminist work, by learning from one another more about what it means—and how to do—teaching and research in this arena. We anticipate sessions on defining our questions; exploring our classrooms as situated spaces for transformation; conceptualizing and funding our research (while interrogating the meaning of research and the politics of funding); and creating supports to understand and aid in navigating the challenges.

We see the whole workshop as a sustained inquiry into each term of its title. We will explore methods of teaching and research that address structures and stories, cross-cutting among different formats: talks, panels, dialogues, and creative activities. In creating this occasion for community seeding and building, project designing and collaborating, we hope participants will serve as a community of practice for one another’s learning, with potential extensions into future collaborative work. What can we do together that we can’t do alone?


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