May 11, 2015 - 21:25

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Our Schedule for the Workshop
4-6 pm: Wyndham Alumnae House open for check-in and registration
5-6 pm: Cocktails on the terrace--and introducing ourselves to one another (Alice Lesnick)
6-7 pm: Welcome and Dinner in the Ely Room
With an aim of building community among the participants, we will be seated @ tables of 7, in order to describe our work to one another, using the key terms of the program title. Seeking overlapping interests, we will ask where we anchor, where we might vex one another. We request that each group create a map (or provide another visual figuring) of the interconnections they can identify among their various projects. We’ll post these on the walls, and ask people to get up and look @ them before Akosua’s talk begins.
7-8 pm: Mary Osirim introduces Akosua Adomako Ampofo,
who offers a “sightline” to direct our work this weekend
Suggested Readings:
Adomako Ampofo, Akosua and Signe Arnfred, eds. Introduction: “Feminist Politics of Knowledge.” African Feminist Politics of Knowledge: Tensions, Challenges and Possibilities. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, 2009. 5-27.
Adomako Ampofo, Akosua. “Whose ‘Unmet Need’? Dis/Agreement about Childbearing among Ghanaian Couples.” Re-thinking Sexualities in Africa, ed. Signe Arnfred. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute, 2004. 115-134.
8-8:30 pm: Groups at each table talk about what they’ve heard: affirming, questioning and exploring how elements of the talk might contribute to the visual figure they made earlier.
8:30-9 pm: large group conversation with Akosua
8-9 am: Breakfast on your own (available @ Wyndham for those staying there)
8:30 a.m. coffee and light fare available in Wyndham (where all remaining sessions will be held)
9-10:30 am: Session I. Panel on Clarifying the Questions:
Uncovering and Developing Relevant Inquiries
Monica Ayala-Martinez, Alice Lesnick, Tonya Haynes, and Carina Yervasi
Suggested Readings:
M. Jacqui Alexander and Chandra Talpade Mohanty, "Cartographies of Knowledge and Power: Transnational Feminism as Radical Praxis." 23-45.
Geraldine Pratt, in collaboration with the Phillippine Women Centre of BC and Ugnayan Ng Kabataang Pilipino Sa Canada/The Filipino-Canadain Youth Alliance. "Seeing Beyond the State: Toward Transnational Feminist Organizing." 65-86.
Linda Peake and Karen de Souza. "Feminist Academic and Activist Praxis in Service of the Transnational." 105-123.
[all from Amanda Lock Swarr and Richa Nagar, Eds. Critical Transnational Feminist Praxis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010.]
10:30 coffee
10:45 am-12:15 p.m: Session II. Small group workshops on collaborative projects, planned and emerging --
concluding with whole-group discussion, to identify cross-cutting issues
12:30-1:30 pm: Lunch on Wyndham terrace for all
1:45-3:15 pm: Session III. Panel on Actionable Choices, Actionable Voices:
Classrooms as (Provisional? Partial?) Spaces of Relationship and Transformation
Anne Dalke, Isis Nusair, and Sunka Simon
Suggested Readings:
Arjun Appadurai. "The right to research." Globalisation, Societies and Education 4, 2 (2006): 167-177.
Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan. "Transnational Feminist Pedagogy.” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 38 (2013): 13-17.
Lila Abu-Lughod. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.” American Anthropologist 104, 3 (2002): 783-790.
Amal Amireh. “Palestinian Women’s Disappearing Act: The Suicide Bomber Through Western Feminist Eyes.” Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence & Belonging. Ed. Rabab Abdulhadi et al. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2011. 29-45.
Ann Russo. “The Feminist Majority Foundation’s Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid: The Intersection of Feminism and Imperialism in the United States.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 8, 4 (2006): 557-580.
3:30-5 pm: Session IV. Small group workshops on teaching
5-7 pm: Free time
7 pm: Wine and cheese at Wyndham
7:30 pm: Dinner at Wyndham
8:30-9 pm: Session V . Creative Activity: writing poems to "distill" what we are learning (Anne Dalke and Alice Lesnick)
SUNDAY, May 10
8-9 am: Breakfast on your own (available @ Wyndham for those staying there)
8:30 a.m. coffee and light fare available in Wyndham
9-10:30 am: Session VI. Panel on Conceptualizing and Supporting our Projects --Liz McCormack, Tami Navarro and Mary Osirim
Suggested Readings:
María Lugones. "The coloniality of gender." Worlds & Knowledges Otherwise 2, 2 (2008): 1-17.
Obioma Nnaemeka. "Nego‐feminism: Theorizing, practicing, and pruning Africa’s way." Signs 29, 2 (2004): 357-385.
Tina Campt and Deborah Thomas. "Gendering Diaspora: Transnational Feminism, Diaspora And Its Hegemonies." Feminist Review (2008) 90, 1–8.
10:45 am-12:15 pm: Session VI. Individual writing and then large group sharing
What are our future plans, collaborations, visions?
What do we see as desirable and possible outcomes,
for students, faculty development, and global interconnections?
What trouble and progress have we made with our guiding questions?
Final Ritual: standing again in a circle, "dance" to the center,
placing in the basket something that you brought with you,
which you will leave behind…
and then: something that you are taking away…
12:30 pm: Departure, with box lunches provided