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khinchey's picture

A friend just forwarded me this video about the "White Student Union" at Towson University. The leader identifies as an "identiarianist" which is basically an crazy way to justify racism in the name of watered down eugenics. It's gross but brings up an interesting (/terrible) view of identity politics in light of our own identiarianists on campus. 

They also spend their nights being "campus watchmen" because they believe Towson has a black on white crime problem. 

Challenge question 9/9/14: the reinvented "good" vs. "bad"

rebeccamec's picture

In our group, Double X, we discussed how children's stories used to take place in the Wild West, with one bad guy, and the good guy would arrive to save the day. Our group wondered: are we making media too complicated for children to understand by showing all the shades of gray in between with contemporary children's characters?


The Grand Canyon

Hummingbird's picture

I'm writing on behalf of group 3 (also known as "The Grand Canyon"). We selected the name based on a commonality we all saw in how we moved through the world – "becoming more so." The phrase came from one of our group members, who explained that "becoming more so" was how he and his family described people whose personality traits grew stronger as they aged. As we thought more about this idea of strengthening personality and strengthening identity, we reflected on our own paths to social work and to the 360. Each of us spoke to different choices and experiences pointing us towards this point in our lives now.

SOWK556 Commonalities- East Coast Beast Coast

Sunshine's picture

East Coast Beast Coast(Group 2) spoke a lot about our education to describe how we got to this moment of time. From that we were able to identify that having the means to get an education(related to that, feeling that we want to help others without worrying about helping ourselves) was something we had in common. Our desire to help was a commonality, although we want to help in different ways. The methods of helping ranged from providing access to theater to working in natinal parks to helping inmates reintegrate in society. We also discussed being at Bryn Mawr, and how wanting to be in an engaging program, whether undergraduate or graduate, was what led us all to the college.