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khinchey's picture

A friend just forwarded me this video about the "White Student Union" at Towson University. The leader identifies as an "identiarianist" which is basically an crazy way to justify racism in the name of watered down eugenics. It's gross but brings up an interesting (/terrible) view of identity politics in light of our own identiarianists on campus. 

They also spend their nights being "campus watchmen" because they believe Towson has a black on white crime problem. 

You can find it here:

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The fact that no one is doing anything to shut this organization that just happen to have Towson students down is what disgusts me. It's where the line of freedom of speech has to be drawn. I mean the part that really scared me was that fact he has a license to carry a weapon in 32 states and is willing " to do anything to help save someone".He doesn't have recognized club on camous so nothing is being done while he is carrying a gun and beleives that crime is committed by mostly black men. This is how situations like the horrific death of Trayvon Martin happen.






