Self Portrait: Tin Can Caregiving
By khincheyDecember 15, 2014 - 22:38

(This is the altered project Riva and I collaborated on)
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(This is the altered project Riva and I collaborated on)
I really enjoyed making this portrait and having Cindy help me choose the style of drawing and the type of horse. In the portrait she is with her horse Winston and they are both thinking about skiing together. Cindy was in the Special Olympics for skiiing so I drew her with her special olympics medal on since she was extremely proud of it.
There are so many moments at Camphill that ran through my head when I first read this prompt. Our week at Camphill Village was incredibly rewarding and incredibly challenging for me personally. My experience with my villager Gaby was also full of ups and downs. One moment that particularly stood out happened when Gaby gave me a tour of her house, Helios.
Bridget Murray
Adult Development and Aging
Sara Bressi Nath
15 December 2014
Shame, Loss, and Degradation: An examination of the lived association between childhood and depression in adulthood
I won't forget the last day I went to work with Eva. She was working in the house for the older villagers who require more care and the sun cast beautiful shadows on the comfy furniture within. Eva proceeded to start dusting everything in the room, as the house mother indicated, and I took a seat in one of the chairs and photographed her working in the sun. When she got to one bookshelf, I realized it held several memorial books of past villagers. I remember Eva had told me her boyfriend, Herb, died a few years ago and realized his memorial book was there. I started looking through it, learning about his childhood, when he came to Camphill very young (around the same age as Eva, between 17-19), and looked at pictures of his adventures.
Here is a piece of art that Eva did while we were at Camphill, showing a tea set-up.
Here is the portrait I made of Eva having her snack in the house in which she works. Eva is constantly checking in with others to make sure they are okay, providing hugs and always making sure she knows everyone's name. She is well loved by the House Mother in the house she works in (Eva is very good and thorough at her jobs, which include cleaning and cooking) and is always so polite, excusing herself whenever she burps or accidentally bumps you. Her joy is infectious, only complimented by the bright colors she wears. I will miss her. She wanted to make sure I included a vase with flowers and a cat, potentially Pickles, who also lives at Camphill.