December 26, 2014 - 13:39

"Once we lose our fear of being tiny, we find ourselves on the threshold
of a vast and awesome universe which dwarfs—
in time, in space, and in potential—
the tidy anthropocentric proscenium of our ancestors." (Carl Sagan).
Jonathan Wells, "Boston Basin"
English 218, Bryn Mawr College. Spring 2015.
English House Lecture Hall. TTh 2:25-4:00 p.m.
Syllaship ("because a bus isn't big enough")
We will make our own weekly observations of the world in which we live, work and imagine, seeking a variety of ways of expressing our ecological interests. We will also read classical and cutting edge ecolinguistic, ecofeminist, ecocritical and ecoesthetic theory, along with a range of exploratory, speculative, and imaginative essays and stories.
Course Requirements
Please buy, borrow, read on reserve, or make arrangements to share three book-length texts: J.M. Coetzee's The Lives of Animals (1999), Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide (2005), and Terry Tempest Williams' An Unspoken Hunger: Stories from the Field (1994). The remainder of our readings and viewings (including 10 Rules for Students, Teachers, and Life) are available either in our password-protected site or on the internet. We will meet twice a week in the classroom (or--hopefully! sometimes! outside). We will also "meet" twice a week electronically: by midnight each Friday, students will make one short posting on Serendip describing your "site sit" (or walk); and by midnight on Mondays, one short reflection anticipating or extending our class conversations about the readings. Four of those reflections will be expanded into more sustained web events: 5-pp. (= 1250 words) due on Feb. 9, Mar. 6, Apr. 6, and May 9-or-17. You'll have a writing conference with Anne twice during the semester (once before fall break, the second one before your final project is due). At the end of the semester, you will also complete a checklist and extended evaluation of your full e-portfolio.
Each week, plan to spend
1) 1/2 hour alone, outside observing (choose a single on-campus site to return to repeatedly over the course of the semester);
2) 1/2 hour writing-and-posting an account of your direct observations (due by midnight each Friday);
3) 1/2 hour responding to others’ postings (including class notes and Anne's prompts; due by midnight each Monday);
4) 3 hours reading in preparation for class discussion
5) 3 hours of classes (we'll try to hold as many as possible of these outside...)
Learning Goals:
Shared, dialogic, critical thinking about broad and specific environmental questions, through closely observing and reflecting on the natural world; reading and interpreting written, visual and material texts; finding effective ways both of expressing and acting in response to ecological concerns.
"Accommodations" (cf. guidelines from Access Services, for determining eligibility....): we will all of us need a little space, a little "slack," @ some time during the course of the semester. To "accomodate" this, our shared responsibility involves letting one another know when we can't show up, and making alternative arrangements for doing the assigned work (for example, if you need to miss class, you should e-mail Anne, and then--as soon as you are able--also review her course notes, and put up an extra posting about what you might have said, had you been here...)
Reading Schedule
I. Locating Ourselves on the Map (and Getting A Little Lost....)
(Vintage Postcard: Aerial View)
"It doesn't make sense to have English departments anymore....The traditional model in education has been cosmopolitanism.
I've come to prefer a concentric and bioregional approach to learning" (John Elder, in "The Greening of the Humanities").
Day 1: Tues, Jan. 20: four intertwined strands....
By midnight on Wed, Jan. 21, your first "inside" posting is due: log into your Serendip account, select a password
you can remember, a username and an avatar. Use that image to introduce yourself in our course forum.
Day 2 (Thurs, Jan. 22):
surely i am able to write poems
celebrating grass and how the blue
in the sky can flow green or red
and the waters lean against the
chesapeake shore like a familiar
poems about nature and landscape
surely but whenever i begin
"the trees wave their knotted branches
and..." why
is there under that poem always an other poem?
--Lucille Clifton (epigram to Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry, ed. Camille Dungy. U Georgia, 2009)
Jamaica Kincaid, "Alien Soil." The New Yorker (June 21, 1993).
Evelyn White, "Black Women and the Wilderness." Names We Call Home: Autobiography on Racial Identity. Ed. Becky Thompson and Sangeeta Tyagi. New York: Routledge, 1996. 282-288.
Carl Anthony and Renée Soule, "The Multicultural Approach to Ecopsychology." The Ecopsychology Institute, 1997.
Fri, Jan 23: Gallery Talk 4:30- 5:30 pm, Opening Reception 5:30-7:30 for Sea Change, in which celebrated Philadelphia
photographer Zoe Strauss traces the landscape of post-climate change America. Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, HC.
By midnight on Fri, Jan. 23, your first "outside" posting is due: follow these instructions for exploring your campus; then post your answers to the questions in the survey.
By midnight on Mon, Jan. 26, your second "outside" posting is due: give yourself another 1/2-an-hour outside, a further tour of your campus, to explore one other dimension that you know nothing about. At Bryn Mawr, these could be geological (see Weecha Crawford’s description of the area), botanical (see Morris Woods: Living History and/or the Bryn Mawr College Tree Tour) or social (see Harriton House History and/or Harriton Family Cemetery). At Haverford, possible sources include a history of the College Arboretum and Chapter 3: "Genesis: 1830-1833" of A history of Haverford College for the first sixty years of its existence (1892), pp. 76-80. Describe how you used your reading to guide your saunter, and what you learned from both your "inside" and "outside" views. Look, too, @ others’ reports: how did your experience echo or diverge from that of your classmates?
Mon, Jan 26 is also the deadline for submitting to Helen White ( an abstract to present and discuss work related to environmental issues you have confronted in your coursework, independent research, internships, volunteering, and student group activities, @ an Environmental Studies symposium at Haverford College on February 22 (with keynote speaker Michael Maniates). E-mail Helen your title, name of presenting author and co-authors, 150-250 word abstract describing your work, and preferred presentation formate (oral presentation, poster presentation, pre-recorded video, other).
Day 3 (Tues, Jan. 27): Greenfield Digital Center Director Monica Mercado, "(A Short, Incomplete, and Often Invisible) History of Race and Higher Education," Bryn Mawr Teach-In on Race, Higher Education, Rights and Responsibilities (including a recording of the talks--listen from 22:35 to 39:00). November 18, 2014.
Michael Maniates. "Teaching for Turbulence." Chapter 24. State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? The Worldwatch Institute.
SueEllen Campbell. "The Land and Language of Desire: Where Deep Ecology and Post-Structuralism Meet." The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Ed. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1996. pp. 124-136.
Day 4 (Thurs, Jan. 29): Stephen Greenblatt. "Resonance and Wonder." Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. Ed. Ivan Karp and Steven D. Lavine. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991. 42-56 (fine to just read the excerpts....).
David Gessner. "Sick of Nature." The Boston Globe. August 1, 2004.
Timothy Morton. "Introduction: Critical Thinking." The Ecological Thought. Cambridge: Harvard, 2010. 1-19.
froggies315, “i just can’t get the poetry of the trees.” Sept. 20, 2012.
sara.gladwin, Divergent Thinking. Dec. 12, 2012.
Not a fiddle-head, but a support that lifts the blossom skyward
and anchors too, giving the pollinator a chance to behold.
Here too, this Island lifts me above the pounding surf
Not a community, but a landscape supporting my chance to be held.
--Wil Franklin (erstwhile biology lab instructor @ BMC)
By midnight Fri, Jan. 30, select your "scape"--a site on campus that "supports your chance to be held," and that you will want to re-visit, once/week, throughout the semester. This could be a walk--(tajiboye could go back to the labyrinth, and walk it every Friday afternoon!). It could be a sit; it could be some variation of the two. Give yourself 1/2 an hour there, and then put up your third "outside" posting, locating your "scape" in relationship to the larger campus (or, following Abby's model, the larger world!). Make this a regular posting, and tag it "site sit." Following the instructions @ How to Add an Image, post a visualization of the BMC/HC campus (a map, a photograph, a sketch? of what era?), then explain the relation of that image to your "scape": What are you are choosing to foreground, and why? (What are you likely to be attending to?) What becomes background in this visualization? (What are you likely not to see?) Where are the boundaries of your "scape"? What is terra incognita here?
By midnight on Mon, Feb. 2, post a proposal for your first "web-event." These are four 5-pp papers, due once/month throughout the semester, posted like your weekend paragraphs, with an awareness that the audience is not just me, not even just your classmates, but the world: how will you draw people in. In preparation for writing this one, I want you to review what we’ve read and discussed during these first two weeks of class; make some notes about what has surprised you, and/ or made you feel “lost.” In Greenblatt's terms, what might comprise an accurate "exhibit" of your first two weeks’ experience in this course? What "wonder and resonance," in his words, have you traced, what "land and language of desire"--in Campbell's terms--or might you want to explore further? What other emotions and thoughts have arisen?
During the week of Feb. 2-5, meet with Anne to discuss what you will do with your first piece of more extended writing.
II. Invitation into the World Beyond Ourselves
(Chris Jordan, Midway: A Message from the Gyre)
"The real, material ecological also a crisis of representation. The inability of political cultures to address
environmentalism is in part a failure of narrative" (Richard Kerridge and Neil Sammells, Writing the Environment:
Ecocriticism and Literature, 1998).
Day 5 (Tues, Feb. 3): Sara Gladwin. Divergent Thinking and Ecological Literacy. January 28, 2015.
View the images at Imagining Deep Time (National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., August 2014-January 2015),
as well as Rachel Sussman's photographs of The Oldest Living Things in the World (University of Chicago, 2014).
Compare to our images of the bi-co campuses.
See also Chris Jordan,Running the Numbers: An American Self Portrait. 2006-Present.
Elizabeth Callaway, A Space for Justice. Conference on Changing Nature. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. Lawrence, KS. May 2013.
Day 6 (Thurs, Feb. 5): Discussing plans for your first web event.
Francisco Calvo Garzón. "The Quest for Cognition in Plant Neurobiology." Plant Signaling & Behavior 2, 4 (July/August 2007): 208-211.
J.M. Coetzee. "The Philosophers and the Animals" and "The Poets and the Animals." The Lives of Animals. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001. 15-69.
Bring to class a full sheet of paper, on which you have written out one passage from the book--along w/ a short indication of why you selected it.
By midnight on Fri, Feb. 6, your fourth "outside" posting is due: an account of your site sit (or walk), attending to what’s there, what’s constant, what changes...
By midnight on Mon, Feb. 9, your first "web event" is due: put together 1250 words mapping out the shape you think your ecological-and-political education might/could/should take—in this course and/or beyond. In other words, propose a curriculum for yourself (and us). Start your essay with the metaphor best describes this, and an image that figures it--following Maniates, who used "white water rafting" to describe the sort of curriculum needed for Environmental Studies, and Morton, who had a very different metaphor: "the ecological thought" is a "virus that infects all other areas of thinking."
Day 7 (Tues, Feb. 10): Coetzee. "Reflections." The Lives of Animals. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001. 73-120.
Day 8 (Thurs, Feb. 12): Coetzee, continued
9:30 - 5:00, Thurs, Feb. 12: 2nd Annual Global Change Research Symposium, Bryn Mawr (contact Tom Mozdzer @
By midnight on Fri, Feb. 13: your fifth "outside" posting is due.
By midnight on Mon, Feb. 16, your second "inside" posting is due: make this a "webby" post (in response to one another), describing your intial reactions to Haraway's claims (and to your classmates' reactions to...)
Day 9 (Tues, Feb. 17): Donna Haraway, Chapter 1. "When Species Meet: Introductions." When Species Meet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2008 [this link leads directly to the Bryn Mawr network; to access the text from Haverford, enter the title into Tripod, and follow the instructions to "Connect...from Haverford"].
7-8:30 p.m., Tues, Feb. 17: Jacqueline Patterson, "Race, Class and Power in the Climate Justice Movement." Dalton 300
Feb. 18- Mar. 6: "Safety Fourth: Nurturing Courage for a Thriving World." Friends in Residence Spee and Jens Braun.
Day 10 (Thurs, Feb. 19): Donna Haraway, Chapter 8, "Training in the Contact Zone." When Species Meet. 205-246.
By midnight on Fri, Feb. 20: your sixth "outside" posting is due.
By midnight on Mon, Feb. 22, your third "inside" posting is due:
another webby post, which can go backwards (further reflections on Haraway)
or forwards (intial responses to The Hungry Tide), or linking the two, or
linking to your experiences elsewhere--whichever! just be sure to link to one another!
Sun, Feb. 22: Environmental Studies symposium at Haverford College, with keynote, 12-1, by Michael Maniates
Day 11 (Tues, Feb. 24): Amitah Ghosh.The Hungry Tide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006. pp. 1-83.
Spend some time with the map, comparing those visuals with the verbal representation of the first two chapters.
Day 12 (Thurs, Feb. 26): Ghosh, pp. 83-145 (end of Part I. The Ebb: Bhata).
Amitav Ghosh. A Crocodile in the Swamplands. Outlook. October 18, 2004.
By midnight on Fri, Feb. 27: your seventh "outside" posting is due;
this should take the form of (some record of!) a visit to your classmate's site...
By midnight on Mon, Mar. 2, your fourth "inside" posting is due:
further reflections on The Hungry Tide.
Day 13 (Tues, Mar. 3): Amitah Ghosh, The Hungry Tide. pp. 149-238.
Amitav Ghosh. Wild Fictions. Outlook. December 22, 2008.
Day 14: (Thurs, Mar. 5): Ghosh, pp. 238-329 (end of Part Two. The Flood: Jowar).
Katy Daigle. Millions at Risk from rapid sea rise in the swampy Sunderbans. AP: The Big Story. February 18, 2015.
By midnight on Fri, Mar. 6, your second web-event is due: 1250 pp. reflecting on the movement you’ve made, over the past 5 weeks, into a world beyond yourself. You might write in response to Coetzee, Haraway, Ghosh; you might analyze their texts; you might place yourself in them, as a character, or commentor, or co-conspiritor. You might get them talking with one another; how might they/others push back against one another?)
By midnight on Mon, Mar. 16, your fifth "inside" posting is due: please post, as a comment to my query, a mid-semester evaluation of what's working and what needs working on in this class.
III. Locating Our Language: revising our grammar and our genres
The Village of Arts and Humanities, North Philadelphia (photo by Anne Dalke)
"....the time is past due for a redefinition of what is significant on earth....the revaluation of nature will be
accompanied by a major reordering of the literary genres" (Glen Love, "Revaluing Nature: Toward an
Ecological Criticism." The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology).
Day 15 (Tues, Mar. 17): Audre Lorde, Outside and Elizabeth Callaway, A Space for Justice. Conference on Changing Nature. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. Lawrence, KS. May 2013, redux.
WED, MAR. 18: Community Day of Learning: Race and Ethnicity at Bryn Mawr and Beyond
By midnight on Wed, Mar. 18:, your sixth "inside" posting is due: Select three keywords you might find of use for the next stage of our shared exploration (possibilities include--but are by no means limited to-- "place," "nature," "environment," 'home," "housekeeping," "economics," "ecology," "deep ecology," "ecosystem," "ecocentric," "egocentric," "biocentric," "anthropocentric," "speciesism," "growthism," "interrelationship," "interaction," "interdependence," "diversity," "adaptation," "sustainable," "green," "ruderal," "succession," "resilience," "permaculture"....) Go to @ least three dictionaries, including the OED, to uncover a historical range of definitions, meanings, histories, etymologies, and future use values for these words. Share the history of your keywords on-line, and compare what you found with what @ least one of your classmates has discovered.
Day 16 (Thurs, Mar. 19): Raymond Williams, "Chapter 13: Key Words/Key Concepts." Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Revised Edition. New York: Oxford UP, 1985. 375-383.
By midnight on Fri, Mar. 20: your eighth "outside" posting is due. You can change up your site @ this point, for the remainder of the semester.
By midnight on Mon, Mar. 23, your seventh "inside" posting is due: re-visit the visualization of the campus that you put up on January 30. Analyze it in terms of one of the keywords we’ve now put on the table, either your own, or others' (for example, was your image "egocentric"? did it feature a "node," or demonstrate "co-existence"?) What do you see now, with help from the terms we've highlighted, which you didn't notice when you first put it up?
Day 17 (Tues, Mar. 24): Gary Snyder, "Unnatural Writing" and "Language Goes Two Ways." A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds. New and Selected Prose. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 1995. 163-180.
Paula Gunn Allen. Kochinnenako in Academe: Three Approaches to Interpreting a Keres Indian Tale. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986. 222-244.
Day 18 (Thurs, Mar. 26): Joseph Meeker. "The Comic Mode." The Comedy of Survival: Studies in Literary Ecology. New York: Scribner's, 1972. 19-39.
Steve Mentz. "Tongues in the Storm: Shakespeare, Ecological Crisis, and the Resources of Genre." Ecocritical Shakespeare, ed. Lynne Bruckner and Dan Brayton (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2011), 155-72 [this link leads directly to the Bryn Mawr network; to access the text from Haverford, enter the title into Tripod, and follow the instructions to "Connect...from Haverford"].
By midnight on Fri, Mar. 27: your ninth "outside" posting is due--and aim for a different kind genre this time 'round: wild? poetic? unified-field?
By midnight on Mon, Mar. 30, your eighth "inside" posting is due: a proposal towards your next web event: a topic, and/or more importantly a mode-- something done collectively that stretches your boundaries of what constitutes a class paper, that makes the conventional mode more 'ecological,' more 'green.' Be willing, in other words, to challenge the genre.
Day 19 (Tues, Mar. 31): Andrew Goatly, “Green Grammar and Grammatical Metaphor, or Language and Myth of Power, or Metaphors We Die By"; Mary Schleppegrell, “What Makes a Grammar Green?” A Reply to Goatly"; and Andrew Goatly," A Response to Schleppegrell." Alwin Fill and Peter Muhlhausler, eds.The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology, and Environment. Continuum, 2001. 203-231. [the link above only works on the BMC campus; if @ HC, access the text via this link instead].
Read for main ideas (= answers to these questions!)
1) what was the Newtonian world view?
2) how does contemporary physics describe the nature of the world differently?
3) what (does Goatly think) is the relationship between that world and our grammar?
4) what (does Goatly argue) is the difference between "congruent" grammar and metaphor?
5) what role do metaphor and "nominalization" play in his argument?
6) what sort of grammar (does Goatly think) would be more consonant w/ ecological ontology?
7) what alternative directions does Schleppegrell suggest for "critical language awareness"?
7:30 p.m., Wed, Apr. 1 Eli Clare, Resisting Shame, Making Our Bodies Home.
Bryn Mawr College's 2nd Annual LGBTQIA+ History Keynote, Thomas Great Hall.
Day 20 (Thurs, Apr. 2): Eli Clare, Meditations on Disabled Bodies, Natural Worlds, and a Politics of Cure. Material Ecocriticism. Ed.Serenella Iovino and Serpil Oppermann. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2014.
ELI WILL JOIN US IN CLASS TODAY!!! --We'll start with a read-around, so please come having selected (and ready to read) a sentence, a phrase, and a word from the text that have "energy" for you--plus one word of your own to describe either the text, or your experience of reading it.
By midnight on Fri, Apr. 3: your tenth "outside" posting is due--try experimenting some more with environmentally friendly alternatives to goal-directed grammar (avoid anthropomorphizing, try out nominalization, more process-focused accounts...?)
By midnight on Mon, Apr. 6, your third (collaborative?) web-event due: 1250 words exploring a more ecological form of grammar and/or genre.
IV. Locating Agency: Acting on Our Desires
J. Henry Fair, Dragon shape in phosphate fertilizer mining waste, Industrial Scars (@ Swat in February 2013, with stunning, beautiful, horrifying images of toxic sites)
"We are each a river with a particular abiding character, but we show radically different aspects of our self according to the territory through which we travel" (David Whyte, The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship).
"Environmentalism is, ultimately, a question of design -- of ethical design" (David Orr, in "The Greening of the Humanities).
Day 21 (Tues, Apr. 7): Rachel Carson, Chapters 1 and 2: "A Fable for Tomorrow" and "The Obligation to Endure." Silent Spring. 1962; rpt. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. 1-13.
Review of new biography of Carson
Elaine Whittaker. "I caught it at the movies" (installation). Photomediations Machine. September 12, 2014.
Come having written out a statement--on a piece of paper you can give to me--
a question for Carson (or your classmates), a challenge, a puzzle, a query,
which we'll use to organize our discussion.
Day 22 (Thurs, Apr. 9): Winona LaDuke. "Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Futures" (1994), "Who Owns America? Minority Land and Community Security" (2001), "Honor the Earth: Our Native American Legacy" (1999), and "A Seventh Generation Amendment" (1996). The Winona LaDuke Reader: A Collection of Essential Writings. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 2002. 78-88, 138-147, 172-180, 273-277.
By midnight on Fri, Apr. 10: your eleventh "outside" posting is due.
Midnight on Sun, Apr. 12: deadline to apply for a Green Grant: supports research, internships or field experience in environmental studies, up to $4500.
By midnight on Mon, Apr. 13, your ninth "inside" posting is due, sharing your initial reactions to Williams' collection of stories.
Days 23-24 (Tues-Thurs, Apr. 14-16): Terry Tempest Williams, An Unspoken Hunger: Stories from the Field. New York: Vintage, 1994 [try to read it all; we'll start with the essay of that title, p. 79]
By midnight on Fri, Apr. 17 your twelfth "outside" posting is due.
By midnight on Mon, Apr. 20, your tenth "inside" posting is due, sharing your initial reactions to the 'conversation' between Kolbert, Klein and Dreifus.
Day 25 (Tues, Apr. 21): Naomi Klein, Introduction: "One Way or Another, Everything Changes" and Conclusion: “The Leap Years: Just Enough Time for Impossible.” This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. Simon & Schuster, 2014. 1-28, 449-466.
A Chronicler of Warnings Denied: Naomi Oreskes Imagines the Future History of Climate Change." The New York Times: Science. Oct. 27, 2014.
7-9 p.m. on Tues, Apr. 21: Tierralismo Good Earth Film Showing and Discussion
Day 26 (Thurs, Apr. 23): Joanna Macy, Chapter 1: "World as Lover, World as Self" and Chapter 17: "In League with the Beings of the Future." World as Lover, World as Self: Courage for Global Justice and Ecological Renewal. Parallax Press, 2007. 17-29, 191-202 [this link leads directly to the Bryn Mawr network; to access the text from Haverford, enter the title into Tripod, and follow the instructions to "Connect...from Haverford"].
Freyda Mathews. “On Desiring Nature.” Indian Journal of Ecocriticism 3 (August 2010). 1-8.
Zadie Smith. Elegy for a Country's Seasons. The New York Review of Books. April 3, 2014.
By midnight on Fri, Apr. 24: if you are missing any "outside" postings, this is your
"last chance" to add a description of your experience in a campus location.
By midnight on Mon, Apr. 27: if you are missing any "inside" postings, this is your
"last chance" for additional reflections on some of our more recent readings.
Days 27-28 (Tues-Thurs, Apr. 28-30): Final Teach-In
During this week or next, schedule a conference with Anne to discuss your final portfolio, with a
particular focus on what you will do with/for your final piece of extended writing for this class.
FOURTH WEB EVENT AND PORTFOLIO DUE: for seniors, by 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 9; for all others, by 12:30 p.m. on Friday, May 15.
Additional Resources:
Bohm, David. "The rheomode --an experiment with language and thought." Wholeness and the Implicate Order. New York: Routledge, 2002. 27-47.
Washington, Keith Morris. Within Our Gates: Human Sacrifice in the American Landscape. The Museum of NCAAA: The National Center of Afro-American Artists). March-June 2003.