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I am one of the biggest fans of unity among people of color, especially among Latinxs, as I believe we all face similar oppressions and working with one another is the only way to progress. However, in different spaces, with different dominating cultures/races/nationalities less present cultures/races/nationalities will have smaller voices. Afrolatinxs, for example, are one of the most ignored voices in Latino communities and their stories are often erased. When we limit Latinx narratives to the voices of only one group of Latinxs we are not allowing the full story. I’m interested in the different perspectives that different Latinxs have on this issue. Do they feel like they fit in with the Latinx community at Bryn Mawr? Or do they feel like their story comes in second to the more present Latinx cultures/races/ethnicities at Bryn Mawr? If the latter applies to them, how do they deal with that feeling?