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trades, trends, and "takeback"

hannah's picture

Americans aren't strangers to the idea of sustainability, or buying locally, or buying fair trade. Actually, it's become a "hip" thing to do-- coming from Portland, Oregon, land of local markets and hipster refashioners and recycling, I've realized that, much like mason jars, chalk print, and the color marsala, environmental buying is in. Sponsoring a child, wearing TOMs, tying your hair with colorful fair trade scarves... things I've done. Things that I wonder about.

How much of it actually makes a difference, this new mentality of consumerism? How much do we actually affect the salaries for people in China, or the opportunities for people in Nicaragua, or the quality of life for people in India? Is this the most effective way to go about it? And can't we do more?

Are we "taking back the economy", or just taking on a new trend?