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toys and games

awkwardturtle's picture

My first set of toys were bought by my parents, the cheapest ones they could find from discount stores and donations from other people. I have a very vague childhood memory, but I remember (whether correctly or incorrectly I still do not know, and I have asked my parents and they can't remember either) that I failed to clean up my toys so my parents boxed up all my toys and put them in a garage, never to be seen again. This happened before I started kindergarten. Again, I could have just remembered this incident all wrong and just imagined the worst possible situation. 

When I started school, I would take all of the crafts I made at school and stuffed animals I collected over time and put them in a box at home and called it my "playset."

I would sometimes play games at recess such as tag and jump rope but being the socially awkward and shy person I was, I was often too scared to join in. 

Some of the most fun times were the outdoor games I played in the backyard with my brother, who is 2 years younger than me, such as throwing balls through hula hoops and other games we made up.