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The reasons to be an all-girls school

Alison's picture

My thoughts about this paper originated from a conversation with one of my friends who is from China. Two days ago, she came to me said that she felt somehow uncomfortable about her life in Bryn Mawr in spite of the welcoming community and friendly faculties and students. She herself wondered why she chose an all girl school instead of a co-ed university. Thus I want to explore the history and the meaning of existence for Bryn Mawr and other all-girls school. Besides the common sense that all-girls school can foster more ability of woman and promote the equality in many fields etc, I believe there are other reasons to make an all-girls school unique and still attracting so many people to apply today.  In addition, the different distribution of all-girls schools around the world is an interesting fact. In some country such as Singapore, there are more than 10% schools are single gender. However, in some country such as China, there are less than 2% schools are single gender and those schools are not the so-called “strong school”, which is different with the situation in America. So I wonder what factors cause this differences.