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project reflection

Alexandra's picture
This course is titled “Changing Our Story” and through different tasks, I have come to recognize the impact students-anyone- can have if effort is put forth. For my project, Hannah and I closely studied what influences can have an affect on a learning environment. Of course, we must consider that every unique classroom setting can produce different results, however personally I have become more educated on what teaching styles suit me more. I took the opportunity to study class structure, class subject, and interpersonal dynamics and have come to identify my personal learning style. Because of this project, I can successfully assess the setting/manner in which I learn best. In addition, I believe that if any student aspires to receive the best education possible, by determining beneficial classroom attributes for them, they can improve their learning. This project could be extended to surveying students who are already aware of their most accommodating classroom environments, and work with schools, teachers, and administration to further students’ learning. 
Because a major factor of our project was studying contact zones in these various environments, I have determined that students’ and faculty must first be made aware of the difference between danger and discomfort. It is unacceptable for a student to not feel physically safe in some setting. However, classrooms should appreciate discomfort as it offers a space in which differences engage and students learn. I believe students will learn social skills from trials such as this, and will ultimately benefit them in environments outside the classroom. After all is preparing students for the future not the absolute goal of education? Moreover, students, faculty, and administration should strive to achieve contact zones in the classroom. And with effort put forth, this change can arise. 
As for others’ projects, the contrast of topics was interesting. I felt every presenter seemed genuinely passionate about their topics and everyone felt these issues deserved more consideration. I was able to understand each student’s unique cares and perspectives and I am overall very interested to see how each project develops further and if the student remains devoted to the cause throughout their time at Bryn Mawr. I feel the projects that most stood out to me were the topics "Muslims at Bryn Mawr" and "Local/Organic Food at Bryn Mawr". I appreciated the extent to which these students prepared, but also the causes. In powerful presentations such as these, my peers and I were able to awknowledge the misdeeds in the social environment at Bryn Mawr. In contact zones where an issue evokes a lot of emotion and support, I feel that the people involved can unify and work to solve these issues.