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Post Project Thoughts

Tralfamadorian's picture

These past few weeks have been an interesting experience. As someone who loves working in the dining hall, it is weird to think about the implications of my working there. I knew going in about the pay discrepancy, but I didn't start paying attention to the way that my peers and I at the dining halls were treated until starting my research. Classism is subtle and many people don't know that they say certain things and treat people in a way that is rude. I think the next steps going forward would be to share finding with the student body at Bryn Mawr as a whole so that there will be  a conversation going on about dining hall workers and the pay discrepancy. Not only this but I feel as if my research has helped people be more cognizant when they go to the dining hall. Sharing my research as a whole would be beneficial to the community in that people would be more aware of their actions and hopefully more respectful of the dining hall workers. 


All of my peers had amazing presentations all with such unique examples of pedagogy. I especially enjoyed Ayesha's presentation, becuase I thought that Bryn Mawr would be better about the issues than in other places or on other campuses. It is saddening that, that is not the case. And I really hope that there will be a larger scale conversation about Muslims at Bryn Mawr. This amount of slippage should not go unnoticed and people should be willing to listen and understand these sensitive issues, especially at Bryn Mawr.