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The Paradox of Our Age

ladyinwhite's picture

No one wants to hear that there is no hope for civilization… it is awfully depressing, to read about our present as referred to in the future. It is difficult not to think of both accounts (Kolbert and Orestes) as another apocalypse story. Differently to anyone in any of those stories, we as victims are aware of what is happening, and why—and yet we continue in our self-destructive habits.

Knowing that knowledge really is not power, truly makes sense in this context. But what is it that stops this knowledge from turning into action? Are we really obscuring the truth from ourselves? This happens to me every day as my focus drifts away from this topic, when it should be a priority—my survival. This is the true survival need, and the power lies with those who do not want to understand.

This is the paradox of our age.