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Muslims at Bryn Mawr

ai97's picture

Having the chance to tell your story is a huge part of your basic human rights. I believe narratives are crucial in the development of uncovering Bryn Mawr College's history. For my project, I would like to conduct in-depth research into the lives of Muslims at Bryn Mawr. Before entering Bryn Mawr, a Muslim woman told me that she witnessed discrimination from the administration during her time there. I want to explore whether or not she experienced discrimination herself, if there was an increase in discrimination after 9/11, and to what extent the college has made accomadations for Muslims practicing their faith in terms of meals, clothes, activities, and more. For this project, I would definitely reach out to the creators of Black at Bryn Mawr to get an idea of how I might be able to use the archives to assist my study. I would also reach out to Bryn Mawr's Muslim Students' Association to conduct interviews and surveys.