October 26, 2015 - 17:03

“It starts with the earth. How can it not? Imagine the planet like a spirit peach, whose pit forms the core, whose flesh its mantle, and whose fuzzy skin its crust- no, that doesn’t do justice to the crust, which is, after all, where all of like takes place. The earth’s crust must be more like the rind of the orange, thicker and more durable, quite unlike the thin skin of a bruisable peach. Or is it? Funny, how you never think to wonder.”
This paragraph implies that fragility of the earth using the example of peach. People tend to associate the earth as strong orange which would be never affected by human’s action, however, it is, she suggests. The image of peach impacted me.
“Show me your heart.” It was bright red and plump and purple veined, tucked beneath her rib cage. “Can you feel it beating?” she whispered. “My goodness,” Lloyd said. “I can feel yours, too.”
This scene reminded me that what people need the most is the existence of others. When people are about to die, they are thinking about the people who love, not about what they possessed. I don’t think it’s going too far to say that people around you are making your life.
“You can’t call them potatoes, because they aren’t,” Lloyd replied. “Government has them registered as pesticides. Hell I don’t know how what to call them, but I’ll tell you one thing: I pray to God my grandkids won’t have to grow up eating them!”
This speech implies his pride as an organic farmer. Obviously people are changing nature. It is possible to count people as animals so that what we are doing is also part of nature, but genetic modification sounds so scary. I understand the Lloyd’s idea, but I also think it is difficult to border what is allowed and what is not allowed to do as a human having higher IQ than other animals.