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Identity and Environment in All Over Creation

Marina's picture

“That’s what it felt like when I was growing up. Like I was a random fruit in a field of genetically modified potatoes […] Honestly, I had never liked potatoes much. I preferred rice, a taste I inherited from my mother, Momoko, and which, in a state of spuds, was tantamount to treason” (4).

 “The words were familiar. Ocean studied my face, listening intently, so I read on. “ ‘… The newborn child has a heritage of tendencies and inclinations which furnish the foundation of groundwork from which he must build his house of Life.’ ” I closed the book” (177).

 “ “Tell me about your father,” she said. “he ran out on my mom when I was just a kid. […] He was a real womanizer […] My dad was a lousy role model,” he said softly” (224).

Ozeki, Ruth. All Over Creation. Penguin, 2004, p 1-309.